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Как запустить AI-врапер от Neo без проверки рестрикторов? (-no_separator_check)...

Какой exe`шник в папке "ai" использует GUI что бы запустить его через батник с этим ключом?


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вроде 1.exe - или с похожим ничего не значащим именем. Это на самом деле нормальный xrai.exe от ГСЦ.

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    почему? Там лежит храи, совместимый с финалкой ТЧ - можно работать без аивраппера. Правда вроде такой уже выкладывали отдельно вроде.


  • Ссылка на комментарий

    @abramcumner, Ни врапер ни хrAI не работают с родными локами, решил попробовать с декомпилированым Кордоном...

    Валятся на all.spawn`е...

    Изменено пользователем CuJIbBEP


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    и враппер и, думаю, храи от Нео отлично работают с родными локами. Это точно.


    Если декомпилировал кордон конвертером, то после надо открыть его в сдк, сделать "make game", и сделать -g для кордона.


    Ты вроде хочешь добавить свою новую локацию? Тогда лучше в аивраппере сделать -split_spawns - обновит level.spawn для стандартных локаций. После этого должен выполняться -s.


    С месяц назад Artos занимался чем-то похожим, у него твоей ошибки не было, но all.spawn он собирал аналогично твоему.


  • Ссылка на комментарий

    @abramcumner, Нет, новых локаций не собирал, для этого надо разобраться с ошибками у родных локаций...
    Взял Кордон и ничего в нём не меняя (после декомпиляции) попробовал собрать all.spawn, но упёрся в одну ошибку:

    List of the level changers which are invalid for some reasons
    [error]Expression : m_level_changers.empty()
    [error]Function : CGameSpawnConstructor::verify_level_changers
    [error]File : .\game_spawn_constructor.cpp
    [error]Line : 196
    [error]Description : Some of the level changers setup incorrectly

    Gamedata чистая 1.0004... Что тут не так понять сам не могу... :blink:

    Сейчас попробовал:

    @start bins\compiler_ai\xrAI.exe -split_spawns

    Получил такое:

    Expression    : !m_level_spawns.empty()
    Function      : CGameSpawnConstructor::load_spawns
    File          : .\game_spawn_constructor.cpp
    Line          : 139
    Description   : There are no valid levels (with AI-map and graph) in the section 'levels' in the 'game.ltx' to build spawn file from!

    Бред какой то...

    Какую версию gamedata предпочтительней иметь в LE?


    Ссылка на комментарий


    1. при -s не указываются ни -no_separator_check, ни список локаций. Это используется только для ЧН/ЗП

    2. при -s список локаций берется из game_levels.ltx

    • Нравится 1


  • Ссылка на комментарий


    Но без "-no_separator_check" вообще засада, рестрикторы рубят AI-сетку и краш обеспечен...


    Например из-за одного ai-нода, отсечённого рестриктором esc_space_restrictor (бункер Сидора), спавн не собирается...

    Изменено пользователем CuJIbBEP


    Ссылка на комментарий


    да, -no_separator_check нужен.


    Что у тебя в game_levels.ltx и вообще в геймдате есть уровни кроме кордона?

    У тебя по логу загрузился только кордон и все.


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    Да всё как обычно...




    ; level12
    ; level18
    ; level21
    ; level119
    ; level121
    ; level125
    ; level126
    ; level127
    ; level129
    ; level131
    ; level133
    ; level134
    ; level136
    ; level141
    ; level150
    ; for Hardware testing
    name = L01_Escape
    caption = "L01_Escape"
    offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 0.0
    id = 01
    name = L02_Garbage
    caption = "L02_Garbage"
    offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0
    id = 02
    name = L03_Agroprom
    caption = "L03_Agroprom"
    offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0
    id = 03
    name = l03u_agr_underground
    caption = "l03u_agr_underground"
    offset = 2000.0, 800.0, 1000.0
    id = 04
    name = l04_darkvalley
    caption = "l04_darkvalley"
    offset = 4000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0
    id = 05
    name = l04u_LabX18
    caption = "l04u_LabX18"
    offset = 4000.0, 800.0, 1000.0
    id = 06
    name = L05_Bar
    caption = "L05_Bar"
    offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 2000.0
    id = 07
    name = L06_rostok
    caption = "L06_rostok"
    offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 2000.0
    id = 08
    name = l08_yantar
    caption = "l08_yantar"
    offset = 1000.0, 1000.0, 2000.0
    id = 09
    name = l08u_brainlab
    caption = "l08u_brainlab"
    offset = 1000.0, 800.0, 2000.0
    id = 10
    name = L07_Military
    caption = "L07_Military"
    offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 3000.0
    id = 11
    name = L09_Deadcity
    caption = "L09_Deadcity"
    offset = 1000.0, 1000.0, 3000.0
    id = 12
    name = l10_radar
    caption = "l10_radar"
    offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
    id = 13
    name = L11_Pripyat
    caption = "L11_Pripyat"
    offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 5000.0
    id = 14
    name = L12_Stancia
    caption = "L12_Stancia"
    offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 8000.0
    id = 15
    name = L12U_Sarcofag
    caption = "L12U_Sarcofag"
    offset = 2000.0, 1200.0, 8000.0
    id = 16
    name = l12u_control_monolith
    caption = "l12u_control_monolith"
    offset = 2000.0, 1400.0, 8000.0
    id = 17
    name = k01_darkscape
    caption = "k01_darkscape"
    offset = 4000.0, 1000.0, 0.0
    id = 18
    name = L12_Stancia_2
    caption = "L12_Stancia_2"
    offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 9000.0
    id = 19
    name = l10u_bunker
    caption = "l10u_bunker"
    offset = 3000.0, 800.0, 4000.0
    id = 20
    name = l23_final_battle
    caption = "l23_final_battle"
    offset = 2000.0, 800.0, 9000.0
    id = 21
    name = monster_tests
    caption = "monster_tests"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 100
    name = jim_agro
    caption = "jim_agro"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 101
    name = stohe_selo
    caption = "stohe_selo"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    weathers = stancia
    id = 102
    name = ai_test
    caption = "ai_test"
    offset = -1000.0, 0.0, -1000.0
    id = 103
    name = ai_test2
    caption = "ai_test2"
    offset = -1000.0, 0.0, -1500.0
    id = 104
    name = jim_dark
    caption = "jim_dark"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 105
    name = chugai_test
    caption = "chugai_test"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 106
    name = $debug$\y_selo
    caption = "$debug$\y_selo"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 107
    name = slipch_al_test
    caption = "slipch_al_test"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 108
    name = slipch_al_test2
    caption = "slipch_al_test2"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 109
    name = krondor_selo
    caption = "krondor_selo"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 110
    name = zmey_selo2
    caption = "zmey_selo2"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 111
    name = zmey_test2
    caption = "zmey_test2"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 112
    name = slipch_lab
    caption = "slipch_lab"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 113
    name = slipch_selo
    caption = "slipch_selo"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 114
    name = chugai_ai_test
    caption = "chugai_ai_test"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 115
    name = ivan_test
    caption = "ivan_test"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 116
    name = l01_escape_ph_test
    caption = "l01_escape_ph_test"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 117
    name = l02_garbage_ai
    caption = "l02_garbage_ai"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 118
    name = l03_agroprom_ai
    caption = "l03_agroprom_ai"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 119
    name = l03u_agroprom_ai
    caption = "l03u_agroprom_ai"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 120
    name = l04u_LabX18_ai
    caption = "l04u_LabX18_ai"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 121
    name = l04u_labx18_proba
    caption = "l04u_labx18_proba"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 122
    name = l05_rostok_ai
    caption = "l05_rostok_ai"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 125
    name = L05_Rostok
    caption = "L05_Rostok"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 126
    name = l05_bar_ai
    caption = "l05_bar_ai"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 127
    name = L07_Military_proba
    caption = "L07_Military_proba"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 128
    name = l08_yantar_ai
    caption = "l08_yantar_ai"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 129
    name = l17_radar_underground_ai
    caption = "l17_radar_underground_ai"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 130
    name = l10_radar_ai
    caption = "l10_radar_ai"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 131
    name = l12_stancia_2ch_proba
    caption = "l12_stancia_2ch_proba"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 132
    name = l12u_sarcofag_ai
    caption = "l12u_sarcofag_ai"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 133
    name = l12u_control_monolith_ai
    caption = "l12u_control_monolith_ai"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 134
    name = l12_stancia_1ch_proba
    caption = "l12_stancia_1ch_proba"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 135
    name = k01_darkscape_r
    caption = "k01_darkscape_r"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 136
    name = l18_pripyat_ai
    caption = "l18_pripyat_ai"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 137
    name = selo2
    caption = "selo2"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 139
    name = vovan_test
    caption = "vovan_test"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 140
    name = l03u_agr_underground_oles
    caption = "l03u_agr_underground_oles"
    offset = 4000.0, 800.0, 1000.0
    id = 141
    name = l04u_LabX18_oles
    caption = "l04u_LabX18_oles"
    offset = 4000.0, 800.0, 1000.0
    id = 142
    name = l04u_labx18_test
    caption = "l04u_labx18_test
    offset = 4000.0, 800.0, 1000.0
    id = 143
    name = k01_darkscape_ct
    caption = "k01_darkscape_ct"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 145
    name = l24_sarcofag_mental
    caption = "l24_sarcofag_mental"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 146
    name = chugai_test1
    caption = "chugai_test1"
    offset = -700.0, 0.0, -1500.0
    id = 147
    name = chugai_test2
    caption = "chugai_test2"
    offset = -700.0, 0.0, -1000.0
    id = 148
    name = selo3
    caption = "selo3"
    offset = -500.0, 0.0, -1500.0
    id = 149
    name = l12_deadcity_ai
    caption = "l12_deadcity_ai"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 150
    name = wik_selo
    caption = "wik_selo"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 151
    name = l08u_brainlab_ai
    caption = "l08u_brainlab_ai"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 152
    name = l04_darkvalley_ai
    caption = "l04_darkvalley_ai"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 153
    name = agro_under
    caption = "agro_under"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 154
    name = l23_soznanie_ai
    caption = "l23_soznanie_ai"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 155
    name = doc_test
    caption = "doc_test"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 156
    name = plecha_selo
    caption = "plecha_selo"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 157
    name = l04_darkvalley_ct
    caption = "l04_darkvalley_ct"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 158
    name = ai_test_new
    caption = "ai_test_new"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 159
    name = stason_test
    caption = "stason_test"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 160
    name = bar_arena
    caption = "bar_arena"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 161
    name = koan_test
    caption = "koan_test"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 162
    name = L07_Military_test
    caption = "L07_Military_test"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 163
    name = haron_selo_towers
    caption = "haron_selo_towers"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    id = 164
    name = l17_radar_underground_r
    caption = "l17_radar_underground_r"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 10000.0
    weathers = sarkofag
    id = 165
    name = l06_rostok_demo
    caption = "l06_rostok"
    offset = 10000.0, 1000.0, 11000.0
    id = 166
    name = L05_Bar_HW
    caption = "L05_Bar_HW"
    offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 2000.0
    id = 167
    name = L03_Agroprom_HW
    caption = "L03_Agroprom_HW"
    offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0
    id = 168
    name = l03u_agr_underground_HW
    caption = "l03u_agr_underground_HW"
    offset = 2000.0, 800.0, 1000.0
    id = 169



    Вот логи по последовательности компиляции:

    * Detected CPU: GenuineIntel Pentium-III, F6/M7/S10, 2200.00 mhz, 32-clk 'rdtsc'
    * CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2
    Initializing File System...
    using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx
    FS: 35665 files cached, 4492Kb memory used.
    Init FileSystem 1.199735 sec
    'xrCore' build 0, (null)
    CRT heap 0x01460000
    Process heap 0x00050000
    Loading DLL: xrSE_Factory.dll
    'xrCore' build 0, (null)
    CRT heap 0x01460000
    Process heap 0x00050000
    "LevelBuilder v4.1" beta build
    Compilation date: Mar 27 2010
    Startup time: 21:40:20
    * New phase started: Building level game graph
    level "gamedata\levels\l01_escape\"
    Loading AI map
    595499 nodes loaded
    Loading graph points
    Script debugger succesfully restarted.
    * loading script _G.script
    * loading script class_registrator.script
    * loading script smart_terrain.script
    * loading script se_respawn.script
    * loading script se_switcher.script
    * loading script se_stalker.script
    * loading script se_car.script
    * loading script se_zones.script
    * loading script se_item.script
    * loading script se_artefact.script
    * loading script se_monster.script
    * loading script game_registrator.script
    253 graph points loaded
    Building cross table
    Saving cross table
    Loading cross table
    Building graph
    Generating edges
    1130 edges built
    Checking graph connectivity
    Optimizing graph
    edges before optimization : 1130
    edges after optimization : 650
    Saving graph
    14612 bytes saved
    Level graph is generated successfully
    Freeing resources




    * Detected CPU: GenuineIntel Pentium-III, F6/M7/S10, 2200.00 mhz, 33-clk 'rdtsc'
    * CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2
    Initializing File System...
    using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx
    FS: 35665 files cached, 4492Kb memory used.
    Init FileSystem 1.169762 sec
    'xrCore' build 0, (null)
    CRT heap 0x01460000
    Process heap 0x00050000
    Loading DLL: xrSE_Factory.dll
    'xrCore' build 0, (null)
    CRT heap 0x01460000
    Process heap 0x00050000
    "LevelBuilder v4.1" beta build
    Compilation date: Mar 27 2010
    Startup time: 21:44:03
    * New phase started: Processing level graphs
    ! There is no cross table for the level l02_garbage! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l03_agroprom! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l03u_agr_underground! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l04_darkvalley! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l04u_labx18! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l05_bar! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l06_rostok! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l08_yantar! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l08u_brainlab! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level monster_tests! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level jim_agro! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level stohe_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level jim_dark! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level $debug$\y_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_al_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_al_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l07_military! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level krondor_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level zmey_selo2! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level zmey_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_lab! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_ai_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level ivan_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l01_escape_ph_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l02_garbage_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l03u_agroprom_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l07_military_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l10_radar! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l17_radar_underground_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l12_stancia_2ch_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l12_stancia_1ch_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l18_pripyat_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level selo2! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l11_pripyat! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level vovan_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_oles! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level k01_darkscape_ct! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l24_sarcofag_mental! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test1! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level selo3! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l12_stancia! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level wik_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l08u_brainlab_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l04_darkvalley_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level agro_under! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l23_soznanie_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level doc_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level plecha_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l04_darkvalley_ct! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test_new! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l12u_sarcofag! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level stason_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level bar_arena! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level koan_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l07_military_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level haron_selo_towers! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l17_radar_underground_r! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l06_rostok_demo! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l05_bar_hw! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l03_agroprom_hw! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l03u_agr_underground_hw! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l12u_control_monolith! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l12_stancia_2! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l10u_bunker! (level is not included into the game graph)
    level 1 l01_escape
    Script debugger succesfully restarted.
    * loading script _G.script
    * loading script class_registrator.script
    * loading script smart_terrain.script
    * loading script se_respawn.script
    * loading script se_switcher.script
    * loading script se_stalker.script
    * loading script se_car.script
    * loading script se_zones.script
    * loading script se_item.script
    * loading script se_artefact.script
    * loading script se_monster.script
    * loading script game_registrator.script
    * New phase started: Adding interconnection points
    Cannot find level with level_id 2. Connection point will not be generated!
    Cannot find level with level_id 2. Connection point will not be generated!
    * New phase started: Saving graph being merged
    cross_table offset: 829462
    * New phase started: Freeing resources being allocated




    * Detected CPU: GenuineIntel Pentium-III, F6/M7/S10, 2200.00 mhz, 33-clk 'rdtsc'
    * CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2
    Initializing File System...
    using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx
    FS: 35665 files cached, 4492Kb memory used.
    Init FileSystem 1.131190 sec
    'xrCore' build 0, (null)
    CRT heap 0x01460000
    Process heap 0x00050000
    Loading DLL: xrSE_Factory.dll
    'xrCore' build 0, (null)
    CRT heap 0x01460000
    Process heap 0x00050000
    "LevelBuilder v4.1" beta build
    Compilation date: Mar 27 2010
    Startup time: 21:46:08
    ! There is no cross table for the level l02_garbage! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l03_agroprom! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l03u_agr_underground! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l04_darkvalley! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l04u_labx18! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l05_bar! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l06_rostok! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l08_yantar! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l08u_brainlab! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level monster_tests! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level jim_agro! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level stohe_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level jim_dark! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level $debug$\y_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_al_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_al_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l07_military! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level krondor_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level zmey_selo2! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level zmey_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_lab! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_ai_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level ivan_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l01_escape_ph_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l02_garbage_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l03u_agroprom_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l07_military_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l10_radar! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l17_radar_underground_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l12_stancia_2ch_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l12_stancia_1ch_proba! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l18_pripyat_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level selo2! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l11_pripyat! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level vovan_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_oles! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level k01_darkscape_ct! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l24_sarcofag_mental! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test1! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test2! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level selo3! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l12_stancia! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level wik_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l08u_brainlab_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l04_darkvalley_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level agro_under! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l23_soznanie_ai! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level doc_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level plecha_selo! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l04_darkvalley_ct! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test_new! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l12u_sarcofag! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level stason_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level bar_arena! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level koan_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l07_military_test! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level haron_selo_towers! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l17_radar_underground_r! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l06_rostok_demo! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l05_bar_hw! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l03_agroprom_hw! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no ai-map for the level l03u_agr_underground_hw! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l12u_control_monolith! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l12_stancia_2! (level is not included into the game graph)
    ! There is no cross table for the level l10u_bunker! (level is not included into the game graph)
    level 1 l01_escape
    Script debugger succesfully restarted.
    * loading script _G.script
    * loading script class_registrator.script
    * loading script smart_terrain.script
    * loading script se_respawn.script
    * loading script se_switcher.script
    * loading script se_stalker.script
    * loading script se_car.script
    * loading script se_zones.script
    * loading script se_item.script
    * loading script se_artefact.script
    * loading script se_monster.script
    * loading script game_registrator.script
    * loading script smart_terrain_params.script
    * loading script xr_gulag.script
    * loading script gulag_general.script
    * loading script gulag_escape.script
    * loading script gulag_garbage.script
    * loading script gulag_agroprom.script
    * loading script gulag_agroprom_underground.script
    * loading script gulag_dark_valley.script
    * loading script gulag_labx18.script
    * loading script gulag_bar.script
    * loading script gulag_military.script
    * loading script gulag_radar.script
    * loading script gulag_radar_u.script
    * loading script gulag_yantar.script
    * loading script gulag_pripyat.script
    * loading script gulag_kishka.script
    * loading script gulag_sarcofag.script
    * loading script gulag_deadcity.script
    * loading script xr_logic.script
    | | [l01_escape][respawn][esc_respawn_inventory_box_0000] : position changed from [-212.228470][-19.857691][-141.877960] -> [-211.399994][-20.020472][-142.100006]
    | | [l01_escape][respawn][esc_respawn_inventory_box_0001] : position changed from [-118.984505][-29.900000][-390.841705] -> [-118.300003][-30.047827][-390.600006]
    | | [l01_escape][respawn][esc_respawn_inventory_box_0003] : position changed from [60.924278][-0.339917][155.849762] -> [60.199982][-0.315674][156.100006]
    Level [l01_escape] : searching for AI map separators space restrictors
    Level [l01_escape] : no separators found
    List of the level changers which are invalid for some reasons
    [error]Expression : m_level_changers.empty()
    [error]Function : CGameSpawnConstructor::verify_level_changers
    [error]File : .\game_spawn_constructor.cpp
    [error]Line : 196
    [error]Description : Some of the level changers setup incorrectly
    stack trace:
    [error]Expression : assertion failed
    [error]Function : SFillPropData::~SFillPropData
    [error]File : .\xrServer_Objects_ALife.cpp
    [error]Line : 64
    [error]Description : 0==counter
    stack trace:



    Ссылка на комментарий

    * New phase started: Adding interconnection points Cannot find level with level_id 2. Connection point will not be generated! Cannot find level with level_id 2. Connection point will not be generated!

    На стадии -m у тебя нет по крайней мере свалки, думаю и остальных локаций тоже :)


    Ну да, собственно вот:

    ! There is no cross table for the level l02_garbage! (level is not included into the game graph)

    И так для всех остальных локаций.


    level 1 l01_escape

    Script debugger succesfully restarted.

    На стадии -s в этом месте должен вывестись список подключаемых локаций. Вроде так. У тебя здесь только кордон. Изменено пользователем abramcumner


  • Ссылка на комментарий

    Подскажите, в чем проблема:


    В конце компиляции локации получаю вылет:


    [error]Expression : assertion failed
    [error]Function : OGF::Optimize
    [error]File : I:\xray-svn\xrLC\OGF_Face.cpp
    [error]Line : 153
    [error]Description : x_faces.size() == faces.size()

    stack trace:



    Понятно что с моделькой что-то не то но не пойму, что ему нужно, нажал континуе, компиляция пошла дальше. Что будет в игре пока не знаю.

    Игра запустилась, но все же...

    Помогите скомпилировать локу на мах настройках. Подробности в профиле.

    Ссылка на комментарий

    @andronikrty, Компиляция с возможностью обхода косячных фэйсов?

    Похоже на то...


    Возник вопрос при декомпиляции Бара из финалки, при распаковке игровых архивов в папке "l05_bar" отсутствует файл level.geom, в следствии чего такой лог:

    log started (console and converter.log)
    level name: l05_bar
    loading level.ltx
    can't load level.geom
    [bug] unexpected code path at ..\xr_level.cxx:131

    Так и должно быть? Или я криво игру распаковал?

    Использовал "STALKER_Data_Unpacker_RU.exe".

    Изменено пользователем CuJIbBEP


    Ссылка на комментарий

    CuJIbBEP, файл level.geom присутствует. Что-то у тебя с распаковкой не то.

    • Нравится 1

    Неважно – сколько у тебя друзей. Важно - сколько из них помогут тебе в трудную минуту и сколько вспомнят о тебе когда им хорошо.

    "Худ" и "Умное выпадание частей монстров" для Народной солянки

    Ссылка на комментарий

    Модмейкеры - начинающие и профессионалы, Сталкеры - новички и ветераны, с наступившим всех НГ! Удачного всем хабара. Помогите с вопросом: поставил на 8-ку SDK 0.4 (SoC)


    , вроде прога запускается а вот ничего ею открыть, импортировать не могу - при нажатии на  "load" ничего не происходит. Ставил даже патч под 8-ку, пробовал анологично прогой для Vista\7 - нифига, поставил виртуальную XP (Oracle VirtualBox) - вообще проога не запускается. Где-то видел инструкцию запуска на виртуальных осях, пимо глаз пропустил, может кто знает ссыль; либо может как-то решить проблу с 8-кой. Заранее спс.

    Ссылка на комментарий

    @Mackmol, fix не работает, уж не знаю почему. Единственный верный вариант, устанавливать OS Windows 7, а потом и OS 8 если надо.

    P.S. Статью ещё не успел исправить. 

    Ссылка на комментарий

    @Mackmol, дык этот фикс делали во времена простой WIndows 8, а не 8.1. Мож он только на ней работает, я не проверял.
    Но вот если верить этому видео, то таки фикс рабочий:

    Ссылка на комментарий

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