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[SoC] Вопросы по SDK


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В общем такая трабла:

я слышал чтоб поставить Неписю другую голову надо редактировать эго модель через маю.(Maya) я сделал так: подгрузил его модель в milkshape с установленный плагином. Приделал голову как надо, привязал глаза, челюсть, и брови вроде. Экспортировал в object. подгрузил в СДК ТЧ (он не выдал ошибок!) и далее нажал экспорт в ОГФ. загружаю игру с подменёной моделькой (Лебедева) а вылетает:

* Loading HOM: d:\stalker-clearsky\gamedata\levels\marsh\level.hom

* phase time: 107 ms

* phase cmem: 277343 K

Загрузка ИИ объектов...

* phase time: 108 ms

* phase cmem: 277343 K

Клиент: Создание...

* phase time: 47 ms

* phase cmem: 277343 K

Загрузка текстур...

* t-report - base: 928, 380055 K

* t-report - lmap: 11, 11265 K

* phase time: 12131 ms

* phase cmem: 305607 K

Клиент: Синхронизация...

* phase time: 90 ms

* phase cmem: 305607 K

* [win32]: free[818768 K], reserved[159864 K], committed[1118456 K]

* [ D3D ]: textures[426172 K]

* [x-ray]: crt heap[305607 K], process heap[567176 K], game lua[54885 K], render[122 K]

* [x-ray]: economy: strings[14556 K], smem[1219 K]

stack trace:


001B:02F7DE1E xrRender_R2.dll

001B:02FB433A xrRender_R2.dll


что это может быть?

P.S. а в СДК надо было анимацию импортировать?

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А чем отличается в СДК gamedata от rawdata? можно ли удалить TGA текстуры из rawdat'ы если они есть уже в DDS в папке gamedata?

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Министр, А вот после импорта текстур. в папке импорт лежат файлы с расширением .~tga . Их можно удалить?.

И ещё: для чего нужны thm'ки? они не только для текстур, но и для звуков. допустим в настройках текстуры я указал использовать бамп. Создался ТHМ файл. этот файл надо ложить в каталог текстур в геймдату? или не включится бамп?

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и ещё вопрос - СДК для просмотра в окнах LE AE и тд использует tga'шки из rawdat'ы или dds'ки из gamedat'ы?

Scarabay, смотря какие? если модели в одной костью (статичные) то они и так пашут, а если персонажи, то надо перепривязывать скелет (он другой) монстры вроде и так пашут

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Спасибо всем за помощь



Перепривязка не требуется, вполне хватает Actor Editor


а можно тогда из билда 1935 в ЧН? :)

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простите если вопросище задавался ранее, но я не могу декомпилировать уровень из ЧН в формат СДК. поместил конвертер всё куда надо.

создал батник в него прописал:

converter -level escape escape [-mode le]

декомпиляция идёт (конвертер жрёт много оперативки + в чёрном окне бежит текст.)

но после декомпиляции обнаружил только в level_editor\rawdata\objects\levels\escape файл escape_cuts.object размером 85 мб


log started (console and converter.log)

level name: escape

loading level.ltx

loading level.geom

loading level







loading level.cform

loading level.hom

loading level.details


loading level.ai

loading level.game

loading level.spawn

ignoring trailing garbage at m_dog.ltx:287

ignoring trailing garbage at m_pseudodog.ltx:281

ignoring trailing garbage at m_poltergeist.ltx:305

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

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can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity sim_faction

can't create entity sim_faction

can't create entity esc_driver

can't create entity museum_ammo_12x70_buck

can't create entity museum_ammo_545x39_fmj

can't create entity museum_ammo_762x54_7h14

can't create entity museum_ammo_545x39_fmj

can't create entity museum_ammo_12x70_buck

can't create entity museum_ammo_12x70_buck

can't create entity museum_ak74u

can't create entity museum_ak74u

can't create entity museum_ak74u

can't create entity teapot_1

can't create entity museum_ammo_545x39_fmj

can't create entity kanistra_02

can't create entity tiski

can't create entity vedro_01

can't create entity bidon

can't create entity priemnik_gorizont

can't create entity teapot_1

can't create entity krujka

can't create entity miska

can't create entity teapot_1

can't create entity kastrula_up

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can't create entity krujka

can't create entity kastrula

can't create entity lojka

can't create entity lojka

can't create entity bludo

can't create entity tarelka2

can't create entity balon_01

can't create entity vedro_01

can't create entity bochka_close_2

can't create entity bochka_close_4

can't create entity bidon

can't create entity kanistra_02

can't create entity krujka

can't create entity bottle_3l

can't create entity komp_monitor

can't create entity komp_klava

can't create entity teapot_1

can't create entity krujka

can't create entity bottle_3l

can't create entity krujka

can't create entity krujka

can't create entity vedro_01

can't create entity priemnik_gorizont

can't create entity bochka_close_2

can't create entity tiski

can't create entity vedro_01

can't create entity banka_kraski_1

can't create entity balon_02

can't create entity kanistra_02

can't create entity bochka_close_2

can't create entity bochka_close_1

can't create entity transiver

can't create entity krujka

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can't create entity krujka

can't create entity krujka

can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

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can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

can't create entity anomal_zone

can't create entity anomal_zone

can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

can't create entity anomal_zone

can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

can't create entity zone_field_radioactive_weak

can't create entity esc_trader_stalkerbase

can't create entity esc_tech_stalkerbase

can't create entity agr_stalker_base_leader

loading level.som

loading level.snd_static

loading level.ps_static

loading level.env_mod

loading level.fog_vol

loading build.lights

loading level_lods.dds

loading level_lods_nm.dds

loading meshes\brkbl#0.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#1.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#2.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#3.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#4.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#5.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#6.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#7.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#8.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#9.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#10.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#11.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#12.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#13.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#14.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#15.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#16.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#17.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#18.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#19.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#20.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#21.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#22.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#23.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#24.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#25.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#26.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#27.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#28.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#29.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#30.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#31.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#32.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#33.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#34.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#35.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#36.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#37.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#38.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#39.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#40.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#41.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#42.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#43.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#44.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#45.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#46.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#47.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#48.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#49.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#50.ogf

loading gamemtl.xr

scene name: escape

substituting shaders/textures

re-indexing shaders/textures

calculating subdivisions

calculating external meshes

collecting subdivisions

collecting external meshes

compacting 4575230 verts, 3738651 faces

got 2121483 points, 178500 normals, 465687 uvs in 10.016s

cleaning geometry

removed 0 duplicate faces in 0.984s

removed 621206 back faces in 2.859s

cleaning cform

mapping 958847 CFORM verts to 2121483 visual

got 891125 matches

matching edges/faces

propagating game materials

restoring fake colliders

separating terrain

separating continuous texture-joined meshes

building edge-connected submeshes

immediate fake/MU joins: 617

submeshes (MU): 2447

submeshes (fake): 5364

submeshes (regular): 24068

reordering faces

accounting submeshes

creating collision models (MU)

creating collision models (fake)

merging fake/MU submeshes

non-fake (residue) submeshes: 1126

cross-merging fake submeshes

assigning contact groups (fake)

total groups (fake): 43

creating collision models (regular)

merging submeshes (regular)

contacts (with redundancy): 66658

assigning contact groups (regular)

total groups (regular): 8707

building regular models

merging 1 orphan(s)

nearest: 7882 (0.00)

materials\fake -> prop\prop_fake_kollision, def_shaders\def_vertex, def_shaders\def_kolizion

can't resolve game material 95

no invisible collider preset for game material default

level name: escape

loading level.ltx

loading level.geom

loading level







loading level.cform

loading level.hom

loading level.details


loading level.ai

loading level.game

loading level.spawn

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity campfire

can't create entity sim_faction

can't create entity sim_faction

can't create entity esc_driver

can't create entity museum_ammo_12x70_buck

can't create entity museum_ammo_545x39_fmj

can't create entity museum_ammo_762x54_7h14

can't create entity museum_ammo_545x39_fmj

can't create entity museum_ammo_12x70_buck

can't create entity museum_ammo_12x70_buck

can't create entity museum_ak74u

can't create entity museum_ak74u

can't create entity museum_ak74u

can't create entity teapot_1

can't create entity museum_ammo_545x39_fmj

can't create entity kanistra_02

can't create entity tiski

can't create entity vedro_01

can't create entity bidon

can't create entity priemnik_gorizont

can't create entity teapot_1

can't create entity krujka

can't create entity miska

can't create entity teapot_1

can't create entity kastrula_up

can't create entity krujka

can't create entity krujka

can't create entity krujka

can't create entity kastrula

can't create entity lojka

can't create entity lojka

can't create entity bludo

can't create entity tarelka2

can't create entity balon_01

can't create entity vedro_01

can't create entity bochka_close_2

can't create entity bochka_close_4

can't create entity bidon

can't create entity kanistra_02

can't create entity krujka

can't create entity bottle_3l

can't create entity komp_monitor

can't create entity komp_klava

can't create entity teapot_1

can't create entity krujka

can't create entity bottle_3l

can't create entity krujka

can't create entity krujka

can't create entity vedro_01

can't create entity priemnik_gorizont

can't create entity bochka_close_2

can't create entity tiski

can't create entity vedro_01

can't create entity banka_kraski_1

can't create entity balon_02

can't create entity kanistra_02

can't create entity bochka_close_2

can't create entity bochka_close_1

can't create entity transiver

can't create entity krujka

can't create entity zone_field_radioactive_weak

can't create entity zone_field_radioactive_weak

can't create entity zone_field_radioactive_weak

can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

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can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

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can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

can't create entity zone_field_radioactive_weak

can't create entity zone_field_radioactive_weak

can't create entity zone_field_radioactive_weak

can't create entity zone_field_radioactive_weak

can't create entity zone_field_radioactive_weak

can't create entity zone_field_radioactive_weak

can't create entity zone_field_radioactive_weak

can't create entity zone_field_radioactive_weak

can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

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can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

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can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

can't create entity smart_cover

can't create entity smart_cover

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can't create entity krujka

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can't create entity anomal_zone

can't create entity anomal_zone

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can't create entity anomal_zone

can't create entity zone_mine_gravitational_weak

can't create entity zone_field_radioactive_weak

can't create entity esc_trader_stalkerbase

can't create entity esc_tech_stalkerbase

can't create entity agr_stalker_base_leader

loading level.som

loading level.snd_static

loading level.ps_static

loading level.env_mod

loading level.fog_vol

loading build.lights

loading level_lods.dds

loading level_lods_nm.dds

loading meshes\brkbl#0.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#1.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#2.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#3.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#4.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#5.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#6.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#7.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#8.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#9.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#10.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#11.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#12.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#13.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#14.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#15.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#16.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#17.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#18.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#19.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#20.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#21.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#22.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#23.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#24.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#25.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#26.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#27.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#28.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#29.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#30.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#31.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#32.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#33.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#34.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#35.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#36.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#37.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#38.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#39.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#40.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#41.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#42.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#43.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#44.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#45.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#46.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#47.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#48.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#49.ogf

loading meshes\brkbl#50.ogf

loading gamemtl.xr

scene name: escape

substituting shaders/textures

re-indexing shaders/textures

calculating subdivisions

calculating external meshes

collecting subdivisions

collecting external meshes

compacting 4575230 verts, 3738651 faces

got 2121483 points, 178500 normals, 465687 uvs in 8.813s

cleaning geometry

removed 0 duplicate faces in 0.953s

removed 621206 back faces in 2.703s

cleaning cform

mapping 958847 CFORM verts to 2121483 visual

got 891125 matches

matching edges/faces

propagating game materials

restoring fake colliders

separating terrain

separating continuous texture-joined meshes

building edge-connected submeshes

immediate fake/MU joins: 617

submeshes (MU): 2447

submeshes (fake): 5364

submeshes (regular): 24068

reordering faces

accounting submeshes

creating collision models (MU)

creating collision models (fake)

merging fake/MU submeshes

non-fake (residue) submeshes: 1126

cross-merging fake submeshes

assigning contact groups (fake)

total groups (fake): 43

creating collision models (regular)

merging submeshes (regular)

contacts (with redundancy): 66658

assigning contact groups (regular)

total groups (regular): 8707

building regular models

merging 1 orphan(s)

nearest: 7882 (0.00)

materials\fake -> prop\prop_fake_kollision, def_shaders\def_vertex, def_shaders\def_kolizion

can't resolve game material 95

no invisible collider preset for game material default

level name: [-mode

can't load [-mode

level name: le]

can't load le]



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converter -level escape escape -mode le

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цитата Kostya V:

*Дать террейну: шейдер, материал, и чё то там ещё третьте думаю ты знаешь

*Граф поинт start_actor_01

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Jesh, один террейн содержит материалы:


какие ставить shader, compile и game mlt чтобы работало в ЗП?


ещё: ошибка при сборке: briks_br2_s contains non-static game material

Изменено пользователем Pihan13

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не могу и всё скомпилить через xrLC уровень:

* 25 supported formats

| | processing: rawdata\textures\glow\glow_green.thm

| | - loading: glow\glow_green

| | processing: rawdata\textures\briks\briks_br2.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_beton_5.thm

| | processing: rawdata\textures\crete\crete_beton_lom.thm

| | - loading: crete\crete_beton_lom




[error]Expression : assertion failed

[error]Function : b_BuildTexture::Vflip

[error]File : d:\xray-svn\xrlc\build.h

[error]Line : 30

[error]Description : pSurface



stack trace:


как я понял ругается на настройки текстуры. я уже поставил к этому материалу такие настройки как и ко всем остальным - всеравно

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Writer, сперва объединяешь конфиги





также кладёшь их с папку с СДК. Кладёшь ПЫСовские и свои новые уровни в level_editor\gamedata\levels

Прогоняешь аивраппером. Если карта уже готова, то не трош её, если ты её собрал и откомпилил тока-тока прогоняешь соотв. командами.

aiwrapper -m  - проверка графов
aiwrapper -s - сборка аллспавна

потом берёшь сначала из папки level_editor\gamedata\levels те уровни, которых не в оригинале (ескейп, свалки, и прочее не бери.)

Также нужен аллспавн и геймграф. и конфиги из СДК, см выше.

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alexwew, проблема в самой команде.

попробуй такой батник


aiwrapper -draft -f pihan
aiwrapper -verify pihan
aiwrapper -f pihan
aiwrapper -g pihan
aiwrapper -m
aiwrapper -s

вместо Пихан имя своего (своих) левелов

у меня всё пашет

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