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[SoC] Вопросы по SDK

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Когда начинаешь распаковку игровых архивов, в корневую папку игры нужно закинуть converter.exe и .bat файл распаковки.

В батнике нужно написать, что распаковывать. Мы распаковываем gamedata. Нам нужно вписать такие цифры:

converter.exe -unpack gamedata.db0 -2947ru -dir unpack

converter.exe -unpack gamedata.db1 -2947ru -dir unpack
converter.exe -unpack gamedata.db2 -2947ru -dir unpack
converter.exe -unpack gamedata.db3 -2947ru -dir unpack
converter.exe -unpack gamedata.db4 -2947ru -dir unpack
converter.exe -unpack gamedata.db5 -2947ru -dir unpack
converter.exe -unpack gamedata.db6 -2947ru -dir unpack
converter.exe -unpack gamedata.db7 -2947ru -dir unpack
converter.exe -unpack gamedata.db8 -2947ru -dir unpack
converter.exe -unpack gamedata.db9 -2947ru -dir unpack
converter.exe -unpack gamedata.dba -2947ru -dir unpack
converter.exe -unpack gamedata.dbb -2947ru -dir unpack
converter.exe -unpack gamedata.dbc -2947ru -dir unpack
converter.exe -unpack gamedata.dbd -2947ru -dir unpack


И перед -dir unpack есть цифры -2947ru-

Что они значат? У меня сталкер тч версии 1.0006. Геймдата запакована.

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@Anonim,  а какую версию игры выбрать мне?

Добавлено BFG,

Скачай универсальный распаковщик и не мучайся с батниками.

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Зачем это так, друзя?



Изменено пользователем TheR3MAK3R

Русский язык мне не родной.

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@TheR3MAK3R, это окно подключения анимации. Эта анимация содержится прям в самой модели, а не отдельным пакетом.


пс: хотел было умную мысль изложить, да голова устала, и потерял ход мысли.


Такая анимация используется, например в вентиляторе.

Изменено пользователем Дизель
  • Согласен 2




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@Дизель,  Я имел в виду, что, что есть писать недоступен количество движения. Последний раз, когда я использую SDK, там было числа, которые подсчитывает движения. В основном было рассчитывать 1230 движений иногда, но теперь ошибке недоступен. Почему это, где мои анимации теперь.

Изменено пользователем TheR3MAK3R
  • Не нравится 1

Русский язык мне не родной.

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Почему это, где мои анимации теперь.

Если это у тебя новая модель, то значит где-то потерялся файл с анимациями, который прописан в инклуде. Может быть указан не правильный путь.

Если это у тебя новая модель с новым скелетом, то значит надо вытаскивать анимации из файла .omf, затем по одной подключать их и настраивать, затем делать новый файл omf и затем прописывать его инклудом.

  • Спасибо 1

"Кругом зомби.....у меня кончаются патроны...."

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@TheR3MAK3R, отключи во второй строчке все галочки - у тебя появится первое окно. Нельзя иметь два типа подключения анимаций - примерно так, как то.

Жаль я не знаю болгарского языка.




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Компиляторы х64, которые в шапке содержатся - это финальная версия, или есть более актуальные?


Мой музыкальный аддон для ОП-2 + Музыкальные флешки для плеера - для тех, кому не нравится оригинальная музыка. Более 150 новых треков различных направлений и исполнителей, каждый найдёт музыку на свой вкус. Апдейт 1.1 от 30.03.2015 - в плеер добавлены записи реальных радиостанций + наиболее подходящие миксы. Торрент.
Пак измененных локаций из ОГСЕ для ОП-2. Скачать можно здесь.

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или есть более актуальные?

Вот эти актуальнее, не знаю почему их нету в шапке. Просьба к модераторам добавить в шапку, у меня на ЯД будут лежать вечно.

Добавлено  HellRatz,

В шапке.

  • Нравится 1
  • Полезно 1

Мать: ASRock X470 Master SLI. Процессор: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core(4200 MHz).
Память: Patriot Memory 3200 C16 Series. DDR4-3200(1600МГц), 16Гбх2(32Гб).
Видео: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB. Блок питания: CoolerMaster 750 Вт. Корпус: Zalman i3 Edge.

Химера конечно сильный хищник, а все держится дома. Чего же ты пришел к ней домой и пытаешься её убить? © Болотный Доктор

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Вот эти актуальнее, не знаю почему их нету в шапке. Просьба к модераторам добавить в шапку


Тут необходимо сделать одно замечание, касательно данной версии компиляторов. Цитирую Macrona:

1. Террейн - 2015-ым. (Он хорошо тени от лодовых объектов передает). Прервать после стадии Light Implicit. Сохранить террейны.

2. Заново компилить весь левел 2014-ым.

3. Подставить террейны.

4. Траву компилировать - 2015ым.


Так, что во избежание глюков с лайтмапами и получения наивысшего качества сборки, при компиляции локаций версией от 2015-го года, следуйте этой инструкции.



Я тут думаю, если вырубить определенные настройки в спавн секции лампы (Allow R1; Allow R2; Allow ambient), она "отрубится"? Или же без отдельной\правленой модельки никак?


Еще странная байда твориться с кое-какими модельками. В СДК все ок:



А в игре выглядит примерно так:


Изменено пользователем Silver Raven
  • Полезно 1

aka Stalker_AleX333
Мои проекты  - ЯндексДиск   |   Я на Gamer-Mods.ru

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@Silver Raven, с глюком разворота дверей столкнулся ещё когда с Долиной Шорохов возился, пришлось поиграться с их положением в СДК.
В итоге получилось заставить их открываться правильно...

Изменено пользователем CuJIbBEP


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Замутил тут стекла. Сунул на левел отдельным мешем, добавил к нужному сектору. При билде, СДК ругается на них. Что-то про неверное положение... Часть деталей явно не экспортируется.



Чего ему надо? (Инвалид фейсов вроде нет, тип сглаживания верный)


upd. Разобрался. Не знал, что кол-во полигонов для частей бьющегося стекла должно быть не меньше двух.

Изменено пользователем Silver Raven

aka Stalker_AleX333
Мои проекты  - ЯндексДиск   |   Я на Gamer-Mods.ru

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Доброго времени суток, в общем сделал худ - 63914af9cb16c80c5cc684abebeaecd85f998225,

и анимки имеются, прогнал худ-модель через сдк, в АЕ всё гладко, но в игре вылетает :

[16-9] get_xml_name for[game_tutorials.xml] returns [game_tutorials.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_credits.xml] returns [ui_credits.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_movies.xml] returns [ui_movies.xml]
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
stack trace:

0023:764DC42D KERNELBASE.dll
0023:6B758E89 MSVCR80.dll, EH_prolog()
0023:0047628A XR_3DA.exe, motion_marks::Load()
0023:004759E0 XR_3DA.exe, motions_container::dock()

Попробовал загрузить модельку в милке, в общем на выходе после СДК получается это - ce2c250e274000633db1931e822df7075f998225

Что за беда такая? Как это можно исправить?

Добавлено  HellRatz,



Мать: ASRock X470 Master SLI. Процессор: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core(4200 MHz).
Память: Patriot Memory 3200 C16 Series. DDR4-3200(1600МГц), 16Гбх2(32Гб).
Видео: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB. Блок питания: CoolerMaster 750 Вт. Корпус: Zalman i3 Edge.

Химера конечно сильный хищник, а все держится дома. Чего же ты пришел к ней домой и пытаешься её убить? © Болотный Доктор

Ссылка на комментарий

Подскажите, кто знает, чем вызваны такие строки при сборке графа, критичны ли они, и как их исправить, если да:


[11.07.16 20:45:12.339] Cannot find level with level_id -1. Connection point will not be generated!


Мой музыкальный аддон для ОП-2 + Музыкальные флешки для плеера - для тех, кому не нравится оригинальная музыка. Более 150 новых треков различных направлений и исполнителей, каждый найдёт музыку на свой вкус. Апдейт 1.1 от 30.03.2015 - в плеер добавлены записи реальных радиостанций + наиболее подходящие миксы. Торрент.
Пак измененных локаций из ОГСЕ для ОП-2. Скачать можно здесь.

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Cannot find level with level_id

Чем собираешь ? Лог указывает на несуществующий уровень. И какой-то графпойнт явно от него, этого уровня, что-то хочет.

А что в логе после этих строк ?

Изменено пользователем BFG

"Кругом зомби.....у меня кончаются патроны...."

Ссылка на комментарий

xrAi собираю, в сдк. Все переходы, которые я сделал, написано что они правильные, но несколько вот таких строчек проскочило. Как это исправить? Вроде все левые графпоинты выловил, удалил и заменил их на нормальные.


Вот полный лог:


[07/11/16 21:23:43] * Detected CPU: GenuineIntel Intel® Core i5-3230M CPU @ 2.60GHz, F6/M58/S9
[07/11/16 21:23:43] * CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2
[07/11/16 21:23:43]
[07/11/16 21:23:43] Initializing File System...
[07/11/16 21:23:43] !WARNING: CLocatorAPI::check_for_file not found file fsgame.ltx in files list (size = 29)
[07/11/16 21:23:43] using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx
[07/11/16 21:23:43] FS: 24922 files cached, 2809Kb memory used.
[07/11/16 21:23:43] Init FileSystem 0.482536 sec
[11.07.16 21:23:43.526] 'xrCore' build 0, (null)
[11.07.16 21:23:43.526]
[11.07.16 21:23:43.526] Loading DLL: xrSE_Factory.dll
[11.07.16 21:23:43.528] 'xrCore' build 0, (null)
[11.07.16 21:23:43.528]
[11.07.16 21:23:43.921] "LevelBuilder v4.1" beta build
[11.07.16 21:23:43.921] Compilation date: Sep 27 2014
[11.07.16 21:23:43.921]
[11.07.16 21:23:43.921] Startup time: 21:23:43
[11.07.16 21:23:44.136]
[11.07.16 21:23:44.136] * New phase started: Processing level graphs
[11.07.16 21:23:44.349] level 1 l01_escape
[11.07.16 21:23:44.625] * loading script _G.script
[11.07.16 21:23:44.627] * loading script profiler.script
[11.07.16 21:23:44.628] * loading script class_registrator.script
[11.07.16 21:23:44.629] * loading script smart_terrain.script
[11.07.16 21:23:44.630] * loading script se_respawn.script
[11.07.16 21:23:44.631] * loading script se_switcher.script
[11.07.16 21:23:44.631] * loading script se_stalker.script
[11.07.16 21:23:44.632] * loading script se_car.script
[11.07.16 21:23:44.632] * loading script se_zones.script
[11.07.16 21:23:44.633] * loading script se_item.script
[11.07.16 21:23:44.633] * loading script se_artefact.script
[11.07.16 21:23:44.633] * loading script se_monster.script
[11.07.16 21:23:44.634] * loading script game_registrator.script
[11.07.16 21:23:49.052] level 2 l02_garbage
[11.07.16 21:23:53.430] level 3 l03_agroprom
[11.07.16 21:23:57.615] level 4 l03u_agr_underground
[11.07.16 21:23:59.033] level 5 l04_darkvalley
[11.07.16 21:24:03.058] level 6 l04u_labx18
[11.07.16 21:24:04.896] level 7 l05_bar
[11.07.16 21:24:06.830] level 8 l06_rostok
[11.07.16 21:24:08.774] level 9 l08_yantar
[11.07.16 21:24:11.002] level 10 l08u_brainlab
[11.07.16 21:24:12.001] level 11 l07_military
[11.07.16 21:24:17.064] level 12 l10_radar
[11.07.16 21:24:20.791] level 13 l11_pripyat
[11.07.16 21:24:23.916] level 14 l12_stancia
[11.07.16 21:24:26.116] level 15 l12u_sarcofag
[11.07.16 21:24:27.406] level 16 l12u_control_monolith
[11.07.16 21:24:28.282] level 17 l12_stancia_2
[11.07.16 21:24:30.694] level 18 l10u_bunker
[11.07.16 21:24:32.585] level 19 atp_for_test22
[11.07.16 21:24:33.674] level 20 peshera
[11.07.16 21:24:34.190] level 21 puzir
[11.07.16 21:24:34.822] level 22 aver
[11.07.16 21:24:37.029] level 23 av_peshera
[11.07.16 21:24:38.788] level 24 limansk
[11.07.16 21:24:40.409] level 25 hospital
[11.07.16 21:24:42.040] level 26 generators
[11.07.16 21:24:43.930] level 27 warlab
[11.07.16 21:24:45.176] level 28 red_forest
[11.07.16 21:24:47.241] level 29 lost_village
[11.07.16 21:24:48.273] level 30 marsh
[11.07.16 21:24:51.990] level 31 dead_city
[11.07.16 21:24:54.276] level 32 zaton
[11.07.16 21:24:56.854] level 33 jupiter
[11.07.16 21:25:00.390] level 34 pripyat
[11.07.16 21:25:01.989] level 35 jupiter_underground
[11.07.16 21:25:02.510] level 36 labx8
[11.07.16 21:25:03.351] level 37 l40_dshor
[11.07.16 21:25:11.229] level 38 l38u_labx5
[11.07.16 21:25:11.725] level 39 l37_kurchatov
[11.07.16 21:25:12.224] level 40 l39u_lab_x14
[11.07.16 21:25:12.709] level 41 l41_darkscape_ogse
[11.07.16 21:25:14.721] level 42 l42_predbannik
[11.07.16 21:25:17.873] level 43 l44_perimetr
[11.07.16 21:25:20.022] level 44 l45_forest
[11.07.16 21:25:25.447] level 45 l46_science_station
[11.07.16 21:25:27.087] level 46 l47u_lab_x17
[11.07.16 21:25:27.431] level 47 l49u_damned
[11.07.16 21:25:29.058] level 48 l48_promzone
[11.07.16 21:25:32.795] level 49 l50u_katakomb
[11.07.16 21:25:34.112] level 50 l51_lostvalley
[11.07.16 21:25:39.541] level 51 l52_swamp
[11.07.16 21:25:42.235] level 52 l53_anomfields
[11.07.16 21:25:46.426] level 53 l54u_labx9
[11.07.16 21:25:47.041] level 54 l55u_basement
[11.07.16 21:25:47.478] level 55 l56_rostok_factory
[11.07.16 21:25:50.156] level 56 l57_outskirts
[11.07.16 21:25:55.476] level 57 l58_forgotten
[11.07.16 21:25:58.122] level 58 l59_east_cordon
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] * New phase started: Adding interconnection points
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l01_escape with id 1 has VALID connection point esc_to_ds,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point ds_to_esc on the level l41_darkscape_ogse with id 41
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l01_escape with id 1 has VALID connection point esc_to_gar,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point gar_to_esc on the level l02_garbage with id 2
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l01_escape with id 1 has VALID connection point esc_to_gar_2,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point gar_to_esc_2 on the level l02_garbage with id 2
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l01_escape with id 1 has VALID connection point esc_to_mar_1,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point mar_to_esc_1 on the level marsh with id 30
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l01_escape with id 1 has VALID connection point esc_to_mar_2,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point mar_to_esc_2 on the level marsh with id 30
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l01_escape with id 1 has VALID connection point esc_to_pred,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point pred_to_esc on the level l42_predbannik with id 42
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point gar_to_agr,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point agr_to_gar on the level l03_agroprom with id 3
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point gar_to_aver,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point aver_to_gar on the level aver with id 22
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point gar_to_bar_1,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point bar_to_gar_1 on the level l05_bar with id 7
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point gar_to_bar_2,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point bar_to_gar_2 on the level l05_bar with id 7
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point gar_to_dshor,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point dshor_to_gar on the level l40_dshor with id 37
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point gar_to_esc,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point esc_to_gar on the level l01_escape with id 1
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point gar_to_esc_2,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point esc_to_gar_2 on the level l01_escape with id 1
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point gar_to_pesh,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point pesh_to_gar on the level peshera with id 20
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point gar_to_val,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point val_to_gar on the level l04_darkvalley with id 5
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l02_garbage with id 2 has VALID connection point gar_to_zl,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point zl_to_gar on the level puzir with id 21
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l03_agroprom with id 3 has VALID connection point agr_to_agru,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point agru_to_agr on the level l03u_agr_underground with id 4
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l03_agroprom with id 3 has VALID connection point agr_to_gar,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point gar_to_agr on the level l02_garbage with id 2
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l03_agroprom with id 3 has VALID connection point agr_to_mar,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point mar_to_agr on the level marsh with id 30
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l03_agroprom with id 3 has VALID connection point agr_to_pesh,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point pesh_to_agr on the level peshera with id 20
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l03_agroprom with id 3 has VALID connection point agr_to_yan,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point yan_to_agr on the level l08_yantar with id 9
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l03u_agr_underground with id 4 has VALID connection point agru_to_agr,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point agr_to_agru on the level l03_agroprom with id 3
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l03u_agr_underground with id 4 has VALID connection point agru_to_kat,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point kat_to_agru on the level l50u_katakomb with id 49
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l04_darkvalley with id 5 has VALID connection point val_to_aver,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point aver_to_val on the level aver with id 22
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l04_darkvalley with id 5 has VALID connection point val_to_ds,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point ds_to_val on the level l41_darkscape_ogse with id 41
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l04_darkvalley with id 5 has VALID connection point val_to_gar,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point gar_to_val on the level l02_garbage with id 2
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l04_darkvalley with id 5 has VALID connection point val_to_prm,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point prm_to_val on the level l48_promzone with id 48
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l04_darkvalley with id 5 has VALID connection point val_to_x18,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point x18_to_val on the level l04u_labx18 with id 6
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l04_darkvalley with id 5 has VALID connection point val_to_x9,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point x9_to_val on the level l54u_labx9 with id 53
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l04_darkvalley with id 5 has VALID connection point val_to_zl,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point zl_to_val on the level puzir with id 21
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l04u_labx18 with id 6 has VALID connection point x18_to_val,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point val_to_x18 on the level l04_darkvalley with id 5
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l04u_labx18 with id 6 has VALID connection point x18_to_war,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point war_to_x18 on the level warlab with id 27
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l05_bar with id 7 has VALID connection point bar_to_gar_1,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point gar_to_bar_1 on the level l02_garbage with id 2
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l05_bar with id 7 has VALID connection point bar_to_gar_2,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point gar_to_bar_2 on the level l02_garbage with id 2
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l05_bar with id 7 has VALID connection point bar_to_mil,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point mil_to_bar on the level l07_military with id 11
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l05_bar with id 7 has VALID connection point bar_to_ros,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point ros_to_bar on the level l06_rostok with id 8
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l05_bar with id 7 has VALID connection point bar_to_x14,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point x14_to_bar on the level l39u_lab_x14 with id 40
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l06_rostok with id 8 has VALID connection point ros_to_bar,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point bar_to_ros on the level l05_bar with id 7
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l06_rostok with id 8 has VALID connection point ros_to_yan,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point yan_to_ros on the level l08_yantar with id 9
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l08_yantar with id 9 has VALID connection point yan_to_agr,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point agr_to_yan on the level l03_agroprom with id 3
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l08_yantar with id 9 has VALID connection point yan_to_avp,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point avp_to_yan on the level av_peshera with id 23
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l08_yantar with id 9 has VALID connection point yan_to_rad,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point rad_to_yan on the level l10_radar with id 12
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l08_yantar with id 9 has VALID connection point yan_to_red,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point red_to_yan on the level red_forest with id 28
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l08_yantar with id 9 has VALID connection point yan_to_ros,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point ros_to_yan on the level l06_rostok with id 8
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l08_yantar with id 9 has VALID connection point yan_to_x16,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point x16_to_yan on the level l08u_brainlab with id 10
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l08u_brainlab with id 10 has VALID connection point x16_to_yan,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point yan_to_x16 on the level l08_yantar with id 9
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l07_military with id 11 has VALID connection point mil_to_atp,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point atp_to_mil on the level atp_for_test22 with id 19
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l07_military with id 11 has VALID connection point mil_to_aver,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point aver_to_mil on the level aver with id 22
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l07_military with id 11 has VALID connection point mil_to_bar,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point bar_to_mil on the level l05_bar with id 7
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l07_military with id 11 has VALID connection point mil_to_dead,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point dead_to_mil on the level dead_city with id 31
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] Level l07_military with id 11 has VALID connection point mil_to_forg,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445] which references to graph point forg_to_mil on the level l58_forgotten with id 57
[11.07.16 21:26:04.445]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l07_military with id 11 has VALID connection point mil_to_rad,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point rad_to_mil on the level l10_radar with id 12
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l10_radar with id 12 has VALID connection point rad_to_for,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point for_to_rad on the level l45_forest with id 44
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l10_radar with id 12 has VALID connection point rad_to_kur,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point kur_to_rad on the level l37_kurchatov with id 39
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l10_radar with id 12 has VALID connection point rad_to_mil,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point mil_to_rad on the level l07_military with id 11
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l10_radar with id 12 has VALID connection point rad_to_pri,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point pri_to_rad on the level l11_pripyat with id 13
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l10_radar with id 12 has VALID connection point rad_to_red,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point red_to_rad on the level red_forest with id 28
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l10_radar with id 12 has VALID connection point rad_to_sci,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point sci_to_rad on the level l46_science_station with id 45
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l10_radar with id 12 has VALID connection point rad_to_x10,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point x10_to_rad on the level l10u_bunker with id 18
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l10_radar with id 12 has VALID connection point rad_to_x9,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point x9_to_rad on the level l54u_labx9 with id 53
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l10_radar with id 12 has VALID connection point rad_to_yan,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point yan_to_rad on the level l08_yantar with id 9
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l11_pripyat with id 13 has VALID connection point pri_to_aes,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point aes_to_pri on the level l12_stancia with id 14
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l11_pripyat with id 13 has VALID connection point pri_to_atp,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point atp_to_pri on the level atp_for_test22 with id 19
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l11_pripyat with id 13 has VALID connection point pri_to_dam,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point dam_to_pri on the level l49u_damned with id 47
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l11_pripyat with id 13 has VALID connection point pri_to_gen,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point gen_to_pri on the level generators with id 26
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l11_pripyat with id 13 has VALID connection point pri_to_rad,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point rad_to_pri on the level l10_radar with id 12
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l11_pripyat with id 13 has VALID connection point pri_to_vil,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point vil_to_pri on the level lost_village with id 29
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l11_pripyat with id 13 has VALID connection point pri_to_vp,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point vp_to_pri on the level pripyat with id 34
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l11_pripyat with id 13 has VALID connection point pri_to_zat,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point zat_to_pri on the level zaton with id 32
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l12_stancia with id 14 has VALID connection point aes_to_aes2,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point aes2_to_aes on the level l12_stancia_2 with id 17
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l12_stancia with id 14 has VALID connection point aes_to_pri,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point pri_to_aes on the level l11_pripyat with id 13
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l12_stancia with id 14 has VALID connection point aes_to_sar,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point sar_to_aes on the level l12u_sarcofag with id 15
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l12_stancia with id 14 has VALID connection point aes_to_vp,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point vp_to_aes on the level pripyat with id 34
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l12_stancia with id 14 has VALID connection point aes_to_zat,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point zat_to_aes on the level zaton with id 32
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l12u_sarcofag with id 15 has VALID connection point sar_to_aes,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point aes_to_sar on the level l12_stancia with id 14
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l12u_sarcofag with id 15 has VALID connection point sar_to_aes2,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point aes2_to_sar on the level l12_stancia_2 with id 17
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l12u_sarcofag with id 15 has VALID connection point sar_to_bum,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point bum_to_sar on the level l12u_control_monolith with id 16
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l12u_sarcofag with id 15 has VALID connection point sar_to_x10,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point x10_to_sar on the level l10u_bunker with id 18
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Cannot find level with level_id -1. Connection point will not be generated!
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Cannot find level with level_id -1. Connection point will not be generated!
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l12_stancia_2 with id 17 has VALID connection point aes2_to_aes,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point aes_to_aes2 on the level l12_stancia with id 14
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l12_stancia_2 with id 17 has VALID connection point aes2_to_bum,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point bum_to_aes2 on the level l12u_control_monolith with id 16
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l12_stancia_2 with id 17 has VALID connection point aes2_to_sar,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point sar_to_aes2 on the level l12u_sarcofag with id 15
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l10u_bunker with id 18 has VALID connection point x10_to_rad,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point rad_to_x10 on the level l10_radar with id 12
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level l10u_bunker with id 18 has VALID connection point x10_to_sar,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point sar_to_x10 on the level l12u_sarcofag with id 15
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level atp_for_test22 with id 19 has VALID connection point atp_to_dead,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point dead_to_atp on the level dead_city with id 31
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level atp_for_test22 with id 19 has VALID connection point atp_to_mil,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point mil_to_atp on the level l07_military with id 11
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level atp_for_test22 with id 19 has VALID connection point atp_to_pri,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point pri_to_atp on the level l11_pripyat with id 13
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level atp_for_test22 with id 19 has VALID connection point atp_to_red,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point red_to_atp on the level red_forest with id 28
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level peshera with id 20 has VALID connection point pesh_to_agr,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point agr_to_pesh on the level l03_agroprom with id 3
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level peshera with id 20 has VALID connection point pesh_to_gar,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point gar_to_pesh on the level l02_garbage with id 2
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level peshera with id 20 has VALID connection point pesh_to_x5,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point x5_to_pesh on the level l38u_labx5 with id 38
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level puzir with id 21 has VALID connection point zl_to_ds,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point ds_to_zl on the level l41_darkscape_ogse with id 41
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level puzir with id 21 has VALID connection point zl_to_gar,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point gar_to_zl on the level l02_garbage with id 2
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level puzir with id 21 has VALID connection point zl_to_red,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point red_to_zl on the level red_forest with id 28
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level puzir with id 21 has VALID connection point zl_to_val,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point val_to_zl on the level l04_darkvalley with id 5
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level aver with id 22 has VALID connection point aver_to_avp,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point avp_to_aver on the level av_peshera with id 23
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level aver with id 22 has VALID connection point aver_to_forg,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point forg_to_aver on the level l58_forgotten with id 57
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level aver with id 22 has VALID connection point aver_to_gar,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point gar_to_aver on the level l02_garbage with id 2
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level aver with id 22 has VALID connection point aver_to_mil,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point mil_to_aver on the level l07_military with id 11
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level aver with id 22 has VALID connection point aver_to_val,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point val_to_aver on the level l04_darkvalley with id 5
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level av_peshera with id 23 has VALID connection point avp_to_aver,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point aver_to_avp on the level aver with id 22
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level av_peshera with id 23 has VALID connection point avp_to_yan,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point yan_to_avp on the level l08_yantar with id 9
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level limansk with id 24 has VALID connection point lim_to_hos,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point hos_to_lim on the level hospital with id 25
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] Level limansk with id 24 has VALID connection point lim_to_red,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446] which references to graph point red_to_lim on the level red_forest with id 28
[11.07.16 21:26:04.446]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level limansk with id 24 has VALID connection point lim_to_vil,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point vil_to_lim on the level lost_village with id 29
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level hospital with id 25 has VALID connection point hos_to_gen,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point gen_to_hos on the level generators with id 26
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level hospital with id 25 has VALID connection point hos_to_lim,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point lim_to_hos on the level limansk with id 24
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level hospital with id 25 has VALID connection point hos_to_vil,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point vil_to_hos on the level lost_village with id 29
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level generators with id 26 has VALID connection point gen_to_hos,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point hos_to_gen on the level hospital with id 25
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level generators with id 26 has VALID connection point gen_to_pri,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point pri_to_gen on the level l11_pripyat with id 13
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level generators with id 26 has VALID connection point gen_to_war,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point war_to_gen on the level warlab with id 27
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level warlab with id 27 has VALID connection point war_to_gen,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point gen_to_war on the level generators with id 26
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level warlab with id 27 has VALID connection point war_to_x18,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point x18_to_war on the level l04u_labx18 with id 6
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level red_forest with id 28 has VALID connection point red_to_atp,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point atp_to_red on the level atp_for_test22 with id 19
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level red_forest with id 28 has VALID connection point red_to_dead,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point dead_to_red on the level dead_city with id 31
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level red_forest with id 28 has VALID connection point red_to_lim,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point lim_to_red on the level limansk with id 24
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level red_forest with id 28 has VALID connection point red_to_rad,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point rad_to_red on the level l10_radar with id 12
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level red_forest with id 28 has VALID connection point red_to_yan,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point yan_to_red on the level l08_yantar with id 9
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level red_forest with id 28 has VALID connection point red_to_zl,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point zl_to_red on the level puzir with id 21
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level lost_village with id 29 has VALID connection point vil_to_hos,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point hos_to_vil on the level hospital with id 25
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level lost_village with id 29 has VALID connection point vil_to_lim,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point lim_to_vil on the level limansk with id 24
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level lost_village with id 29 has VALID connection point vil_to_pri,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point pri_to_vil on the level l11_pripyat with id 13
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level marsh with id 30 has VALID connection point mar_to_agr,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point agr_to_mar on the level l03_agroprom with id 3
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level marsh with id 30 has VALID connection point mar_to_esc_1,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point esc_to_mar_1 on the level l01_escape with id 1
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level marsh with id 30 has VALID connection point mar_to_esc_2,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point esc_to_mar_2 on the level l01_escape with id 1
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level marsh with id 30 has VALID connection point mar_to_per,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point per_to_mar on the level l44_perimetr with id 43
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level marsh with id 30 has VALID connection point mar_to_rosf,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point rosf_to_mar on the level l56_rostok_factory with id 55
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level marsh with id 30 has VALID connection point mar_to_rosf_2,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point rosf_to_mar_2 on the level l56_rostok_factory with id 55
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level dead_city with id 31 has VALID connection point dead_to_atp,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point atp_to_dead on the level atp_for_test22 with id 19
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level dead_city with id 31 has VALID connection point dead_to_mil,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point mil_to_dead on the level l07_military with id 11
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level dead_city with id 31 has VALID connection point dead_to_red,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point red_to_dead on the level red_forest with id 28
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level zaton with id 32 has VALID connection point zat_to_aes,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point aes_to_zat on the level l12_stancia with id 14
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level zaton with id 32 has VALID connection point zat_to_dshor,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point dshor_to_zat on the level l40_dshor with id 37
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level zaton with id 32 has VALID connection point zat_to_jup,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point jup_to_zat on the level jupiter with id 33
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level zaton with id 32 has VALID connection point zat_to_pri,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point pri_to_zat on the level l11_pripyat with id 13
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level zaton with id 32 has VALID connection point zat_to_swa,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point swa_to_zat on the level l52_swamp with id 51
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level jupiter with id 33 has VALID connection point jup_to_dam,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point dam_to_jup on the level l49u_damned with id 47
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level jupiter with id 33 has VALID connection point jup_to_jund,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point jund_to_jup on the level jupiter_underground with id 35
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level jupiter with id 33 has VALID connection point jup_to_sci,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point sci_to_jup on the level l46_science_station with id 45
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level jupiter with id 33 has VALID connection point jup_to_vp,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point vp_to_jup on the level pripyat with id 34
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level jupiter with id 33 has VALID connection point jup_to_zat,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point zat_to_jup on the level zaton with id 32
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level pripyat with id 34 has VALID connection point vp_to_aes,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point aes_to_vp on the level l12_stancia with id 14
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level pripyat with id 34 has VALID connection point vp_to_jund,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point jund_to_vp on the level jupiter_underground with id 35
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level pripyat with id 34 has VALID connection point vp_to_jup,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point jup_to_vp on the level jupiter with id 33
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level pripyat with id 34 has VALID connection point vp_to_pri,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point pri_to_vp on the level l11_pripyat with id 13
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level pripyat with id 34 has VALID connection point vp_to_x8,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point x8_to_vp on the level labx8 with id 36
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level jupiter_underground with id 35 has VALID connection point jund_to_dam,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point dam_to_jund on the level l49u_damned with id 47
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level jupiter_underground with id 35 has VALID connection point jund_to_jup,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point jup_to_jund on the level jupiter with id 33
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level jupiter_underground with id 35 has VALID connection point jund_to_vp,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point vp_to_jund on the level pripyat with id 34
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level labx8 with id 36 has VALID connection point x8_to_vp,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point vp_to_x8 on the level pripyat with id 34
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level l40_dshor with id 37 has VALID connection point dshor_to_gar,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point gar_to_dshor on the level l02_garbage with id 2
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level l40_dshor with id 37 has VALID connection point dshor_to_kur,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point kur_to_dshor on the level l37_kurchatov with id 39
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] Level l40_dshor with id 37 has VALID connection point dshor_to_x5,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447] which references to graph point x5_to_dshor on the level l38u_labx5 with id 38
[11.07.16 21:26:04.447]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l40_dshor with id 37 has VALID connection point dshor_to_zat,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point zat_to_dshor on the level zaton with id 32
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l38u_labx5 with id 38 has VALID connection point x5_to_dshor,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point dshor_to_x5 on the level l40_dshor with id 37
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l38u_labx5 with id 38 has VALID connection point x5_to_pesh,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point pesh_to_x5 on the level peshera with id 20
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l37_kurchatov with id 39 has VALID connection point kur_to_dshor,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point dshor_to_kur on the level l40_dshor with id 37
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l37_kurchatov with id 39 has VALID connection point kur_to_for,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point for_to_kur on the level l45_forest with id 44
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l37_kurchatov with id 39 has VALID connection point kur_to_rad,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point rad_to_kur on the level l10_radar with id 12
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l37_kurchatov with id 39 has VALID connection point kur_to_swa,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point swa_to_kur on the level l52_swamp with id 51
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l37_kurchatov with id 39 has VALID connection point kur_to_x14,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point x14_to_kur on the level l39u_lab_x14 with id 40
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l39u_lab_x14 with id 40 has VALID connection point x14_to_bar,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point bar_to_x14 on the level l05_bar with id 7
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l39u_lab_x14 with id 40 has VALID connection point x14_to_kat,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point kat_to_x14 on the level l50u_katakomb with id 49
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l39u_lab_x14 with id 40 has VALID connection point x14_to_kur,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point kur_to_x14 on the level l37_kurchatov with id 39
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l41_darkscape_ogse with id 41 has VALID connection point ds_to_esc,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point esc_to_ds on the level l01_escape with id 1
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l41_darkscape_ogse with id 41 has VALID connection point ds_to_out,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point out_to_ds on the level l57_outskirts with id 56
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l41_darkscape_ogse with id 41 has VALID connection point ds_to_per,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point per_to_ds on the level l44_perimetr with id 43
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l41_darkscape_ogse with id 41 has VALID connection point ds_to_prm,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point prm_to_ds on the level l48_promzone with id 48
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l41_darkscape_ogse with id 41 has VALID connection point ds_to_val,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point val_to_ds on the level l04_darkvalley with id 5
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l41_darkscape_ogse with id 41 has VALID connection point ds_to_zl,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point zl_to_ds on the level puzir with id 21
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l42_predbannik with id 42 has VALID connection point pred_to_esc,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point esc_to_pred on the level l01_escape with id 1
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l42_predbannik with id 42 has VALID connection point pred_to_per,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point per_to_pred on the level l44_perimetr with id 43
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l42_predbannik with id 42 has VALID connection point predbannik_graph_point_0096,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point esc_graph_point_0035 on the level l01_escape with id 1
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l44_perimetr with id 43 has VALID connection point per_to_ds,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point ds_to_per on the level l41_darkscape_ogse with id 41
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l44_perimetr with id 43 has VALID connection point per_to_mar,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point mar_to_per on the level marsh with id 30
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l44_perimetr with id 43 has VALID connection point per_to_out,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point out_to_per on the level l57_outskirts with id 56
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l44_perimetr with id 43 has VALID connection point per_to_pred,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point pred_to_per on the level l42_predbannik with id 42
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l45_forest with id 44 has VALID connection point for_to_kur,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point kur_to_for on the level l37_kurchatov with id 39
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l45_forest with id 44 has VALID connection point for_to_lost,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point lost_to_for on the level l51_lostvalley with id 50
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l45_forest with id 44 has VALID connection point for_to_rad,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point rad_to_for on the level l10_radar with id 12
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l45_forest with id 44 has VALID connection point for_to_sci,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point sci_to_for on the level l46_science_station with id 45
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l46_science_station with id 45 has VALID connection point sci_to_for,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point for_to_sci on the level l45_forest with id 44
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l46_science_station with id 45 has VALID connection point sci_to_forg,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point forg_to_sci on the level l58_forgotten with id 57
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l46_science_station with id 45 has VALID connection point sci_to_jup,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point jup_to_sci on the level jupiter with id 33
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l46_science_station with id 45 has VALID connection point sci_to_lost,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point lost_to_sci on the level l51_lostvalley with id 50
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l46_science_station with id 45 has VALID connection point sci_to_prm,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point prm_to_sci on the level l48_promzone with id 48
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l46_science_station with id 45 has VALID connection point sci_to_rad,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point rad_to_sci on the level l10_radar with id 12
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l46_science_station with id 45 has VALID connection point sci_to_x17,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point x17_to_sci on the level l47u_lab_x17 with id 46
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l47u_lab_x17 with id 46 has VALID connection point x17_to_sci,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point sci_to_x17 on the level l46_science_station with id 45
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l49u_damned with id 47 has VALID connection point dam_to_jund,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point jund_to_dam on the level jupiter_underground with id 35
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l49u_damned with id 47 has VALID connection point dam_to_jup,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point jup_to_dam on the level jupiter with id 33
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l49u_damned with id 47 has VALID connection point dam_to_out,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point out_to_dam on the level l57_outskirts with id 56
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l49u_damned with id 47 has VALID connection point dam_to_pri,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point pri_to_dam on the level l11_pripyat with id 13
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Cannot find level with level_id -1. Connection point will not be generated!
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Cannot find level with level_id -1. Connection point will not be generated!
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Cannot find level with level_id -1. Connection point will not be generated!
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Cannot find level with level_id -1. Connection point will not be generated!
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l48_promzone with id 48 has VALID connection point prm_to_anom,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point anom_to_prm on the level l53_anomfields with id 52
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l48_promzone with id 48 has VALID connection point prm_to_bsm,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point bsm_to_prm on the level l55u_basement with id 54
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l48_promzone with id 48 has VALID connection point prm_to_ds,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point ds_to_prm on the level l41_darkscape_ogse with id 41
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l48_promzone with id 48 has VALID connection point prm_to_lost_1,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point lost_to_prm_1 on the level l51_lostvalley with id 50
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l48_promzone with id 48 has VALID connection point prm_to_lost_2,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point lost_to_prm_2 on the level l51_lostvalley with id 50
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l48_promzone with id 48 has VALID connection point prm_to_lost_3,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point lost_to_prm_3 on the level l51_lostvalley with id 50
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l48_promzone with id 48 has VALID connection point prm_to_sci,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point sci_to_prm on the level l46_science_station with id 45
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l48_promzone with id 48 has VALID connection point prm_to_val,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point val_to_prm on the level l04_darkvalley with id 5
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l50u_katakomb with id 49 has VALID connection point kat_to_agru,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point agru_to_kat on the level l03u_agr_underground with id 4
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l50u_katakomb with id 49 has VALID connection point kat_to_rosf,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point rosf_to_kat on the level l56_rostok_factory with id 55
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l50u_katakomb with id 49 has VALID connection point kat_to_x14,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point x14_to_kat on the level l39u_lab_x14 with id 40
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] Level l51_lostvalley with id 50 has VALID connection point lost_to_anom,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448] which references to graph point anom_to_lost on the level l53_anomfields with id 52
[11.07.16 21:26:04.448]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l51_lostvalley with id 50 has VALID connection point lost_to_bsm,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point bsm_to_lost on the level l55u_basement with id 54
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l51_lostvalley with id 50 has VALID connection point lost_to_for,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point for_to_lost on the level l45_forest with id 44
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l51_lostvalley with id 50 has VALID connection point lost_to_prm_1,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point prm_to_lost_1 on the level l48_promzone with id 48
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l51_lostvalley with id 50 has VALID connection point lost_to_prm_2,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point prm_to_lost_2 on the level l48_promzone with id 48
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l51_lostvalley with id 50 has VALID connection point lost_to_prm_3,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point prm_to_lost_3 on the level l48_promzone with id 48
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l51_lostvalley with id 50 has VALID connection point lost_to_sci,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point sci_to_lost on the level l46_science_station with id 45
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l52_swamp with id 51 has VALID connection point swa_to_kur,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point kur_to_swa on the level l37_kurchatov with id 39
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l52_swamp with id 51 has VALID connection point swa_to_zat,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point zat_to_swa on the level zaton with id 32
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l53_anomfields with id 52 has VALID connection point anom_to_cor,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point cor_to_anom on the level l59_east_cordon with id 58
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l53_anomfields with id 52 has VALID connection point anom_to_lost,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point lost_to_anom on the level l51_lostvalley with id 50
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l53_anomfields with id 52 has VALID connection point anom_to_prm,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point prm_to_anom on the level l48_promzone with id 48
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l54u_labx9 with id 53 has VALID connection point x9_to_rad,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point rad_to_x9 on the level l10_radar with id 12
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l54u_labx9 with id 53 has VALID connection point x9_to_val,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point val_to_x9 on the level l04_darkvalley with id 5
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l55u_basement with id 54 has VALID connection point bsm_to_lost,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point lost_to_bsm on the level l51_lostvalley with id 50
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l55u_basement with id 54 has VALID connection point bsm_to_prm,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point prm_to_bsm on the level l48_promzone with id 48
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l56_rostok_factory with id 55 has VALID connection point rosf_to_kat,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point kat_to_rosf on the level l50u_katakomb with id 49
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l56_rostok_factory with id 55 has VALID connection point rosf_to_mar,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point mar_to_rosf on the level marsh with id 30
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l56_rostok_factory with id 55 has VALID connection point rosf_to_mar_2,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point mar_to_rosf_2 on the level marsh with id 30
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l57_outskirts with id 56 has VALID connection point out_to_dam,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point dam_to_out on the level l49u_damned with id 47
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l57_outskirts with id 56 has VALID connection point out_to_ds,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point ds_to_out on the level l41_darkscape_ogse with id 41
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l57_outskirts with id 56 has VALID connection point out_to_per,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point per_to_out on the level l44_perimetr with id 43
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l58_forgotten with id 57 has VALID connection point forg_to_aver,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point aver_to_forg on the level aver with id 22
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l58_forgotten with id 57 has VALID connection point forg_to_mil,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point mil_to_forg on the level l07_military with id 11
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l58_forgotten with id 57 has VALID connection point forg_to_sci,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point sci_to_forg on the level l46_science_station with id 45
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] Level l59_east_cordon with id 58 has VALID connection point cor_to_anom,
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449] which references to graph point anom_to_cor on the level l53_anomfields with id 52
[11.07.16 21:26:04.449]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.753]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.753] * New phase started: Saving graph being merged
[11.07.16 21:26:04.828] cross_table offset: 26421945
[11.07.16 21:26:04.828] cross_table offset: 26421949
[11.07.16 21:26:04.828] cross_table offset: 26421953
[11.07.16 21:26:04.828] cross_table offset: 26421957
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26421961
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26421965
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26421969
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26421973
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26421977
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26421981
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26421985
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26421989
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26421993
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26421997
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422001
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422005
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422009
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422013
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422017
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422021
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422025
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422029
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422033
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422037
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422041
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422045
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422049
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422053
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422057
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422061
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422065
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422069
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422073
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422077
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422081
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422085
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422089
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422093
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422097
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422101
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422105
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422109
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422113
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422117
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422121
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422125
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422129
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422133
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422137
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422141
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422145
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422149
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422153
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422157
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422161
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422165
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422169
[11.07.16 21:26:04.829] cross_table offset: 26422173
[11.07.16 21:26:04.961]
[11.07.16 21:26:04.961] * New phase started: Freeing resources being allocated


Изменено пользователем V92


Мой музыкальный аддон для ОП-2 + Музыкальные флешки для плеера - для тех, кому не нравится оригинальная музыка. Более 150 новых треков различных направлений и исполнителей, каждый найдёт музыку на свой вкус. Апдейт 1.1 от 30.03.2015 - в плеер добавлены записи реальных радиостанций + наиболее подходящие миксы. Торрент.
Пак измененных локаций из ОГСЕ для ОП-2. Скачать можно здесь.

Ссылка на комментарий

[11.07.16 21:24:12.001] level 11 l07_military

[11.07.16 21:24:17.064] level 12 l10_radar

Почему у тебя сдвинулись локации Солянки ? Радар вроде должен быть 13-ым, насколько помню. В файле game_levels.ltx такая же нумерация идёт ?

"Кругом зомби.....у меня кончаются патроны...."

Ссылка на комментарий

Нет, у меня так написано тут:


000 = "..."
001 = "Кордон"
002 = "Свалка"
003 = "Агропром"
004 = "Агропром-подземка"
005 = "Темная долина"
006 = "Лаборатория X-18"
007 = "Бар"
008 = "Росток"
009 = "Янтарь"
010 = "Лаборатория X-16"
011 = "Милитари"
012 = "Радар"
013 = "Припять"
014 = "ЧАЭС"
015 = "Саркофаг"
016 = "Контроль монолита"
017 = "ЧАЭС-2"
018 = "Бункер выжигателя"
019 = "АТП"
020 = "Пещера"
021 = "Забытый лес"
022 = "Неразведанная земля"
023 = "Лабиринт"
024 = "Лиманск"
025 = "Госпиталь"
026 = "Генераторы"
027 = "Варлаб"
028 = "Красный лес"
029 = "Забытая деревня"
030 = "Болота"
031 = "Мертвый город"
032 = "Затон"
033 = "Юпитер"
034 = "Восточная Припять"
035 = "Путепровод Припять-1"
036 = "Лаборатория Х-8"
037 = "Долина шорохов"
038 = "Лаборатория Х-5"
039 = "Курчатов-37"
040 = "Лаборатория Х-14"
041 = "Тёмная лощина"
042 = "Предбанник"
043 = "Периметр"
044 = "Лес"
045 = "Научная станция"
046 = "Лаборатория Х-17"
047 = "Подземелья Припяти"
048 = "Промзона"
049 = "Катакомбы"
050 = "Забытая долина"
051 = "Верхние болота"
052 = "Лаборатория Х-9"
053 = "Завод Росток"
054 = "Чернобыль"
055 = "Бомбоубежище"
056 = "Аномальные поля"
057 = "Застава"
058 = "Восточный кордон"

000 = "..."
001 = "ограниченный доступ"
002 = "запрещенный доступ"

000 = "..."
001 = "не для игрока"

000 = "..."


С другой стороны, в game_levels.ltx радар как раз 13-й:



name = L01_Escape
caption = "L01_Escape"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 0.0
id = 01

name = L02_Garbage
caption = "L02_Garbage"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0
id = 02

name = L03_Agroprom
caption = "L03_Agroprom"
offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0
id = 03

name = l03u_agr_underground
caption = "l03u_agr_underground"
offset = 2000.0, 800.0, 1000.0
id = 04

name = l04_darkvalley
caption = "l04_darkvalley"
offset = 4000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0
id = 05

name = l04u_LabX18
caption = "l04u_LabX18"
offset = 4000.0, 800.0, 1000.0
id = 06

name = L05_Bar
caption = "L05_Bar"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 2000.0
id = 07

name = L06_rostok
caption = "L06_rostok"
offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 2000.0
id = 08

name = l08_yantar
caption = "l08_yantar"
offset = 1000.0, 1000.0, 2000.0
id = 09

name = l08u_brainlab
caption = "l08u_brainlab"
offset = 1000.0, 800.0, 2000.0
id = 10

name = L07_Military
caption = "L07_Military"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 3000.0
id = 11

name = l41_darkscape_ogse
caption = "l41_darkscape_ogse"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 0.0
id = 41

name = l10_radar
caption = "l10_radar"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 12

name = L11_Pripyat
caption = "L11_Pripyat"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 5000.0
id = 13

name = L12_Stancia
caption = "L12_Stancia"
offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 8000.0
id = 14

name = L12U_Sarcofag
caption = "L12U_Sarcofag"
offset = 2000.0, 1200.0, 8000.0
id = 15

name = l12u_control_monolith
caption = "l12u_control_monolith"
offset = 2000.0, 1400.0, 8000.0
id = 16

name = l42_predbannik
caption = "l42_predbannik"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 42

name = L12_Stancia_2
caption = "L12_Stancia_2"
offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 9000.0
id = 17

name = l10u_bunker
caption = "l10u_bunker"
offset = 3000.0, 800.0, 4000.0
id = 18

name = l52_swamp
caption = "l52_swamp"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 51

name = atp_for_test22
caption = "atp_for_test22"
offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 3000.0
id = 19

name = peshera
caption = "peshera"
offset = 3000.0, 800.0, 1000.0
id = 20

name = puzir
caption = "puzir"
offset = 3500.0, 1000.0, 500.0
id = 21

name = aver
caption = "aver"
offset = 4000.0, 1000.0, 2000.0
id = 22

name = av_peshera
caption = "av_peshera"
offset = 4000.0, 800.0, 2000.0
id = 23

name = limansk
caption = "limansk"
offset = 1000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 24

name = hospital
caption = "hospital"
offset = 1000.0, 1000.0, 5000.0
id = 25

name = generators
caption = "generators"
offset = 1000.0, 1000.0, 6000.0
id = 26

name = warlab
caption = "warlab"
offset = 1000.0, 800.0, 6000.0
id = 27

name = red_forest
caption = "red_forest"
offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 28

name = lost_village
caption = "lost_village"
offset = 0.0, 1000.0, 3000.0
id = 29

name = marsh
caption = "marsh"
offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 0.0
id = 30

name = dead_city
caption = "dead_city"
offset = 1000.0, 1000.0,3000.0
id = 31

name = zaton
caption = "zaton"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 32

name = jupiter
caption = "jupiter"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 33

name = pripyat
caption = "pripyat"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 34

name = jupiter_underground
caption = "jupiter_underground"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 35

name = labx8
caption = "labx8"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 36

name = l40_dshor
caption = "l40_dshor"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 37

name = l38u_labx5
caption = "l38u_labx5"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 38

name = l37_kurchatov
caption = "l37_kurchatov"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 39

name = l39u_lab_x14
caption = "l39u_lab_x14"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 40

name = l44_perimetr
caption = "l44_perimetr"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 43

name = l45_forest
caption = "l45_forest"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 44

name = l46_science_station
caption = "l46_science_station"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 45

name = l47u_lab_x17
caption = "l47u_lab_x17"
offset = 2000.0, 1000.0, 3000.0
id = 46

name = l49u_damned
caption = "l49u_damned"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 47

name = l48_promzone
caption = "l48_promzone"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 48

name = l50u_katakomb
caption = "l50u_katakomb"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 49

name = l51_lostvalley
caption = "l51_lostvalley"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 50

name = l53_anomfields
caption = "l53_anomfields"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 52

name = l54u_labx9
caption = "l54u_labx9"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 53

name = l55u_basement
caption = "l55u_basement"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 54

name = l56_rostok_factory
caption = "l56_rostok_factory"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 55

name = l57_outskirts
caption = "l57_outskirts"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 56

name = l58_forgotten
caption = "l58_forgotten"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 57

name = l59_east_cordon
caption = "l59_east_cordon"
offset = 3000.0, 1000.0, 4000.0
id = 58


Это на что-то влияет? Или надо сделать как в game_levels.ltx?


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